Monday, January 23, 2006
Snow asked why, in Australia, miners have three days worth of oxygen in reserve, but in America do the miners only get one hour.
"The direct answer to your question [is] cost, financial reasons, expensive," Rahall said.
Rahall hit it RIGHT ON THE MARK. The reason these miners died is that the industry believed that it would be cheaper to pay fines issued by Mine Safety Health Association, especially under the Bush administration which gives out laughable fines comparable of just telling a college student caught plagarizing to "not do it again." I believe the largest fine Bush's MSHA levied on the Sago mine where 12 miners died was $878. Most of the fines were in the $250 range. I know $250 sounds like a lot when we're paying traffic tickets but to a mine or a corporation, this is chump change. This is nothing. That's like asking Walmart to pay a fine of millions.
So if the Democrats continue to push for mine safety regulations, will the GOP turn around and attack the Dems for being political opportunists? "Heaven, help us all! The Democrats are using the dead bodies of the miners to win political points. How low can they go?"
Maybe the GOP will blame the miners for their deaths. They obviously chose to be miners so it's their own damn fault that they died. Why blame the mine companies when the miners put themselves in that situation? The miners should have taken the personal responsibility in looking after their own safety instead of trying to push all responsibility to the mine operators. I know this sounds repugnant but this is a part of the extreme right-wing mentality.
Bush and his cronies will now undergo a study in what went wrong and a review of emergency equipment. They'll try to deflect blame from themselves and show that they're actually doing something about the horrendous conditions miners face everyday in those coal mines. They'll seek to show the American people that it really does care for the miners' welfare. The Democrats should NOT buy into this bullshit and con game and instead point out that the Bush Administration rolled back many of the rules and regulations the Clinton Adminstration placed on the industry. What was the Bush administration's excuse for rolling these regulations back? Resources. It ALWAYS comes down to money with these bastards. The Democrats can't let the GOP steal ANOTHER issue from them, especially where the Litterboxites are also to blame, but knowing them, they probably will and it'll be the Republicans who will be the heroes of the mine disasters, even though they should rightfully be the villains.
This is the tragedy with no ending for unlike Oedipus, the Democrats will never learn the truth and will never learn from their mistakes. Teiresias will be found among many in the liberal blogosphere like AmericaBLOG, Daily Kos, Liberal Oasis, the Rude Pundit, etc. but like Oedipus, the Dems will brush them all off for being too "liberal" as Oedipus mocked Teiresias for being blind. We are the blind ones wandering about aimlessly in the far left of the political wilderness, out of the mainstream, or so the Dems claim. Yet isn't it ironic that Oedipus was the blind one and not Teiresias? Isn't it ironic that the Democrats in Congress are the blind ones while we see the light and harsh truth?
I'm sure liberal bloggers all feel like Cassandra for we prophesize what will happen when the Dems roll over and play dead. Yet, they never listen and it is our fate to have our prophecies fulfilled but not believed. It is our fate to look at every example where the GOP cows the Democrats into silence and say "We told you so."
If you don't see that the GOP worships at the unholy altar of the Almighty Dollar, then you're either easily gullible (I have kitty litter to sell to you disguised as gold) or willfully ignorant.