Saturday, September 16, 2006
This is your so-called president
This is your so-called president who looks like he is about to burst into a childish temper tantrum because some Senate Republicans refuse to give him what he wants: the White House plan to torture interrogate and detain suspects in the so-called "War on Terror."
"The information the Central Intelligence Agency has obtained by questioning men like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks) has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including planned strikes inside the United States and on a U.S. Marine base in East Africa, an American consulate in Pakistan and Britain's Heathrow Airport," Bush said.
Right, like the Miami plot where the plotters did not even know what they were doing? Like the plot to take down a busy bridge in New York with a blowtorch? the Holland Tunnel plot that violated the rules of physics? Like the anthrax killer, plot? O wait, never mind.
Bush is so intent in getting torture through that he would even compromise our national security!
To a mindless sheep Bush-supporter, this is proof that well the Man of God wants to follow the Geneva Conventions but he is only confused because the rules are so muddled and filled with grey areas. To the Bush supporter, this is proof that Bush is not a lawless president as we liberals and progressives charge. This is proof that Bush is looking out for us but he wants to do it right. He won't risk us violating international law so he would rather shut down the program. But to us, it is something utterly more sinister. Bush never cares about the law, he has 800 signing statements declaring his intentions not to follow certain parts of laws that Congress passes. What makes you think that he would follow the Geneva Conventions? As Buzzflash notes, how can the Geneva Conventions have clarity for every president, Republican or Democrat but not Bush? The wording has not changed and either Bush is admitting he's a complete dumbass who has miniscule reading comprehension ability (plausible considering he does not read or pretends to in order to appear intellectual) or that he is just using it as an excuse to show that he does not care (equally likely, I think it's a combination of the two).Bush heatedly warned rebellious Republicans and other lawmakers Friday that CIA questioning of high-value terrorism suspects will end unless the rules are clarified on how far the interrogations can go.
"Weakening the Geneva protections is not only unnecessary, but would set an example to other countries, with less respect for basic human rights, that they could issue their own legislative 'reinterpretations,'" McCain said in a statement released Friday. "This puts our military personnel and others directly at risk in this and future wars."